Brian- This one is cool. There aren't too many movies that, every now and then, I think and rethink for no reason out of the blue. Fight Club is one of them. I usually don't have too much stomach for punk-violence, having grown up in a pretty docile part of the world, even with their near-extinct tigers. But Fight Club stands out as one of those all-timers, and I can't always figure out why. Maybe it's the epic twist at the end with Norton's character. Maybe it's Pitt's convincing lead. Maybe it's the underground secrecy that screams: everyone should join a secret society. Either way, I remember in a new group-gathering I went to once: People were asked what each of their favorite movie was. And one person said Fight Club. And immediately, the next person said Fight Club. And the next person. And the next. Hilariously, this reminded me of the circle they'd stand around in the movie itself. Perhaps there's something about collective Nihilism that says: if we go down, we'll go down together. Which I guess mirrors the collective Lift, too: If we rise, we'll rise together. Don't know which is truer. But I'm guessing the reality is somewhere in between the two. This is a nice reminder. :)

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